Program Overview
The Cross River gorilla is the most threatened ape in Africa. This great ape is found only in a limited area along the border between Cameroon and Nigeria. This area is recognised as a biodiversity hotspot of global significance – an area with high conservation value but one also facing severe threats. Primarily as a result of hunting pressure, it is estimated that fewer than 100 Cross River gorillas survive at three different sites in Cross River State. The hunting of wildlife to supply the bush meat trade is still common across the landscape and is the primary threat to the immediate survival of the Cross River gorilla. Deforestation due to unsustainable farming practices and indiscriminate logging is also a growing problem, one which threatens the environment in general and the long-term survival of the Cross River gorilla in particular. To address human behaviors that threaten the environment and survival of Cross River gorillas, WCS Nigeria has launched a Behavior Change Communications campaign in Cross River State. The program is supported with funding from the US Fish and Wildlife Service, PCI Media Impact, UNEP CMS and Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe

The goal of this program is to confront the threats to the environment and the Cross River gorillas through the use of contemporary communications, networking, public awareness and behavior change methods to strengthen community engagement in protecting Cross River gorillas and other endangered wildlife species.
My Gorilla-My Community
WCS Nigeria uses this awareness campaign program to sensitize the people about the need to support conservation. It aims at getting target communities, opinion leaders and policy makers actively involved in efforts to safeguard the environment and protect the Cross River gorilla and other endangered wildlife from extinction. My Gorilla-My Community is a multi-dimensional communication strategy including a 15 minutes radio drama, Linda’s Joint, which is a weekly one hour radio magazine program featuring drama, interviews, music, public opinions and feedbacks. The campaign program also includes direct advocacy and dialogue with members of the target communities; helping them to adopt more environmentally friendly lifestyles.
Linda’s Joint
This is a WCS Nigeria weekly radio drama on environmental conservation with a focus on Cross River gorilla protection. It is a behavior change communication drama, which mirrors the realities of everyday lives and existence of typical members of the target communities and delivers messages that encourage more sustainable use of their forest resources.
The drama features interesting characters in their everyday activities. It is presented in simple English Language and pidgin to ensure a better audience appeal.

Target Audience
The program mostly targets communities around the Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary, the Mbe Mountains and the Okwangwo Division of the Cross River National Park. It is also designed to reach out to opinion leaders, policy makers and indeed the general public in Cross River State, as well as people from across the borders in South-West Cameroon.
Broadcast Time Belt
The radio program is broadcast on CRBC 105.5 Paradise FM Calabar every Saturday at 8AM and on CRBC 89.7FM Ikom every Wednesday, also at 8AM.
Other Campaign Activities
The program features other campaign activities such as a periodic direct interaction with the local communities. We set up listening groups in selected communities. Each group was given a radio set to help monitor and analyze the radio program on a weekly basis.

We also work with conservation clubs in primary and secondary schools in the target communities with a view to inculcating in them the much needed conservation consciousness.

Campaign Materials
We have developed other campaign materials for the program, including a campaign logo, T-shirts, fez caps and stickers.